Bellflower Garden Center
Retail / Garden CenterHome & Garden ShowLandscaping / Tree Services / Tractor WorkLawn Maintenance
Wednesday-Friday 10 AM - 5 PM
Saturday-Sunday 10 AM - 3 PMAbout Us
Bellflower Garden Center is a vibrant nursery located in Bellville, Texas, offering a generous selection of indoor and outdoor plants. Throughout the grounds you can enjoy a variety of outdoor plants, all carefully chosen with garden performance in mind. A walk through the greenhouses reveals a broad selection of succulents, tropicals, and foliage, all curated for both the seasoned collector and novice enthusiast.
Bellflower Garden Center is proud to offer an array of healthy, beautiful plants for your home and garden, from rare and unique to classic favorites.Images
Juanita Hatten Bougainvillea
White Fusion Calathea
Petunia Hanging Basket
Iron Cross Begonia
Julia Child Rose
Gerbera Daisy
Succulent Variety
Crown of Thorns
Ice Plant Hanging Basket
Esperanza Yellow Bells
Crested Euphorbia
Maidenhair Fern
Tropical Hibiscus
Rep/Contact Info
View Personal BioMarian and Jimmy CatesAfter many years as growers in the nursery business in Texas, and living in the Mexican tropics, Marian and Jimmy Cates opened Bellflower Garden Center in Bellville, Texas, as their take on a fully faceted garden center experience.
Influenced and instructed by the pioneer native plantsman Lynn Lowery and highly regarded Texas grower Joe Tocquigny - along with their observations made while living in a tropical climate - Marian and Jimmy bring a practical approach to gardening informed by years of experience.
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