BEAR…BE A Resource
Non-Profit Organizations
Monday - Friday 9 am-3 pm
Driving Directions:
BEAR's facility is located at 3572 East TC Jester Blvd., Houston, 77018 in the Brookwood Business Park. The complex is situated between the Oaks Dads' Club (baseball fields) and the railroad tracks.
About Us
BEAR…BE A RESOURCE is a 5013(c) nonprofit organization improving lives by providing hope and help for at-risk and CPS-involved children and their caretakers in the greater Houston area.
- https://bearesourcehouston.org/
- heartgalleryhousotn.org
- https://bearesourcehouston.org/programs/bear-back-to-school/
- https://bearesourcehouston.org/programs/bear-necessities/
- https://bearesourcehouston.org/volunteer-opportunities-bear/
BEAR...BE A Resource
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